8.1 Understand gas welding
8.1.1 Define gas welding.
8.1.2 Explain high pressure gas welding and low pressure gas welding.
8.1.3 State the uses of gas welding in industry.
8.2 Understand Welding gases
8.2.1 Explain the types of gases used in gas welding.
8.2.2 Explain the characteristics, production and oxygen gas cylinder.
8.2.3 Explain the characteristics, production and acetylene gas cylinder.
8.2.4 Explain the availability of other gas fuel besides acetylene.
8.3 Classify oxy acetylene gas welding equipment
8.3.1 Explain the oxy - acetylene gas welding equipment
8.3.2 Explain the working principles of regulators.
8.3.3 State the types of oxy – acetylene hoses.
8.3.4 State the types, working principles, uses and function of the welding torch.
8.3.5 Explain the tip of the welding torch.
8.3.6 Explain the oxy – acetylene welding manifold system and single station system.
8.4 Understand Brazing Process and Braze Welding.
8.4.1 Define brazing and braze welding.
8.4.2 Explain the application of brazing and braze welding.
8.4.3 Explain the uses of flux, filler rod and the types of flames used.
8.4.4 Explain heat and the technique of brazing and braze welding
8.5 Understanding defects in welding and its prevention.
8.5.1 Explain a completed welding project based on penetration, shape of the bead, and accuracy of the joints.
8.5.2 Explain the types of defects and prevention.