Hand Tools

2.3       Understand the use of hack saw
2.3.2 State the reason for using hack saw and cutting stroke.
2.3.3 State the characteristics of hack saw blade such as materials used and pitch.
2.3.4 Explain the procedure to replace hack saw blade.
2.3.5 Discuss the causes of hack saw blades breakage.
2.3.6 State the safety procedure to prevent accidents.
2.4       Understand the use of files and filing work.
2.4.1 Sketch and label the parts of a file.
2.4.2 Define the file terminology such as cut and grade.
2.4.3 Explain the types and uses shape of files.
2.4.4 State the method of filling such as crosses and draw filing.
2.4.5 Explain pinning and how to avoid pinning.
2.4.6 State the safety procedures in filing.
2.5       Understand the use of hammer
2.5.1 Explain the types and uses of hammers.
2.5.2 Name the parts of ball peen hammer.
2.5.3 Explain the safety procedures in using hammer.
2.6       Understand the use of chisel
2.6.1 Name the types of chisels such as flat chisel, horizontal tip, half round and diamond tip.
2.6.2 Name and differentiate the various types of chisels: flat chisel, diamond tip point, cape chisel, edge round, nose chisel.
2.6.3 Name the parts of a flat chisel.
2.6.4 Explain flat chisel: material, size, cutting angle of the tip and its uses to cut and shear metal plate.
2.6.5 Explain the disadvantages of mushroom head chisel.
2.6.6 Explain the method of using chisel.
2.6.7 Explain the safety procedure to be followed while chiseling.
2.7 Understand the use taps and dies
2.7.1 Name the parts of a tap.
2.7.2 Name the types of taps and understand the procedures of using three types of taps.
2.7.3 Explain the basic terminology of tapping a blind hole and a through hole screw thread.
2.7.4 Explain the terminology on tap drill size ‘v’.
2.7.5 Calculate the size tap drill size.
2.7.6 Explain the steps to do internal threading.
2.7.7 Explain the reasons for the breakage of taps and its prevention.
2.7.8 Name different types of dies.
2.7.9 Explain the steps to cut external threading using a die.